DH2SL - Renewable Energy Power Satation

Multi-MW Renewable Energy Power Station


Non-Intermittent 100% renewable electricity supply 24/7 a low cost

invented, designed and developed by DABITRON Microgrid Canarias S.L. 

DABITRON supplying non-intermittent electricity production integrated into a Renewable power - to - hydrogen - to - Renewable power plant at powered by 100% renewable energy 24/7 and zero-carbon energy resources, that help guide the transition towards a sustainable and decarbonised energy model, to provide firming for the local electric grid.

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(Renewable Power-to-Hydrogen-to-Renewable Power)

NEW ENERGY SOLUTION - 100% Renewable Power on a 24/7, Zero-Carbon

turnkey Renewable Hydrogen Power Plant, designes to generate Non-Intermittent 100% renewable electricity continuous generation supply 24/7 at low cost and zero-emission.

(Renewable Power-to-Hydrogen-to-Renewable Power)

DABITRON has responded by aiming to become a global pioneer through in hydrogen power, propose an integrated Renewable Hydrogen Power Plant called "DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ®" or "DABITRON DH2SL ®" that use hydrogen in they power generation infrastructure and non-intermittent electricity generation technologies while providing stability and reliability to power grids.

DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® (RENEWABLE POWER-TO-HYDROGEN-TO-RENEWABLE POWER), is a Multi-megawatt Renewable Energy Power Station of non-Intermittent renewable energy generation, producing local stable electricity and supplying 100 per cent reneable energy 24/7, entirely covered by Guarentees of Origin. DABITRON DH2SL ® are a fully integrated power plant, the use on site the entire hydrogen value chain renewable energy-based for to provide firm electricity from renewable energy sources, that combine the renewable energy production (solar), hydrogen production via electrolyzers (based on PEM technology), the storage of this green hydrogen (H2) and Battery Energy Storage Solutions (BESS), and then 24/7 baseload non-intermittent stable electricity production using multi-megawatt generator sets. We are currently working on specific projects in Spain (Canary Islands) and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), without ruling out entry into new territories. 

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    A turnkey DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ®  Renewable Hydrogen Power Plant (in forward "Renewable Energy Power Stations DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ®") only uses solar energy and water to produce stable electricity, a local multi-megawatt Non-Intermittent renewable energy generation that supplying 100% renewable power 24/7, thus avoiding greenhouse emissions and noise. Local-produced green hydrogen production will deliver energy security, plus stability of price to local consumers.

    These renewable power plant is based a closed loop system which uses the local renewable resources for 100% indipendent clean energy local production, by allowing to generate and store your own power. This can be particularly useful to serve the various demands of local grid or service territory, whether that’s baseload power, cyclic generation, or peaking power, to meets consumer, the electrical utilities and industrial demand. 

    The Multi-MW Renewable Energy Power Stations DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® are based on long-term renewable power purchase agreement (PPA).

    The Renewable Energy Power Stations DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® is invented, designed and developed by DABITRON MicroGRID Canarias S.L., will supply 100% renewable stable and dispatchable power, without emitting any greenhouse gas, fine particle or fumes. Hydrogen energy is a high-density, clean, and renewable secondary energy. 

    The company benefits from a unique know-how in the entire renewable Hydrogen Power value chain, combining the expertise with H2 research.

    The Renewable Energy Power Stations DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® innovation appears in all stages of the value chain: in the green hydrogen and renewable energy production plant itself, in its uses in power sector, in commercialization of clean electricity through a long-term renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) and Guarantees of Origin (GoOs), as well as its use for sustainable mobility. It is a renewable hydrogen power station that contemplates multiple demands. Hydrogen energy is a secondary energy source, and can be produced and distributed, according to market demand. 

    Its core business consists of providing worldwide renewable hydrogen system solutions work, to 100% Renewable Power on a 24/7. This includes the development, implementation and operation of DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® Multi-MW Renewable Energy Power Stations that are based on green hydrogen that non-Intermittent renewable energy generation, providing 100 percent renewable energy 24/7, at cost-competitive, while reducing emissions and providing wider benefits to the electric grid.

    The activities of Dabitron always have a commercial focus and executed either independently or through investments in or partnership with other companies which shared their vision and ambitions in green hydrogen as accelerator of the local energy transition. 

The tecnological core values that structure of DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® (DH2SL®) Integrated MULTI-MEGAWATT turnkey NON-INTERMITTENT Renewable Energy Power Station - 100% renewable energy supply 24/7 a low cost

  • Decentralized Renewable Energy Generation

    Large scale Decentralized Non-Intermittent Renewable Energy Production based on local intermittent renewable energy sources. 

  • Decentralized Renewable Hydrogen Generation

    Decentralized-Standalone (Dec-Sa) Green Hydrogen Generation.

  • Sustainable Energy Storage Technologies

    Integrating on-site different interacting components of storage: local solutions of Green & Safe Battery and Green Hydrogen Storage Technologies.

  • Firming for the local Electric Grid

    Firming for the electric grid - can support the local’s electricity sector, while providing stability and reliability to local power grids

  • Digital Utility & Data-Driven Operational

    Breakthrough technologies to optimize smart energy’ operations of decentralized renewable energy generation and provide a superior service, local resource optimization, and distributed generation, supply, smart grid control and power plant.

  • Green PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements)

    These projects will benefit from renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), ensuring the certification of hydrogen as RFNBO (Renewable Non-Biological Fuels of Origin).

    • DABITRON DH2SL ® Renewable Energy Power Stations (non-intermittent renewable energy supply) utilize Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) that ensures long term 100% renewable energy supply at a fixed and competitive price for more 20 years, that ensures the continuous generation of green, baseload power 24/7.
  • Renewable Energy Certificate

    Renewable Energy Certificate (REC). Guarantee of Origin (GO or GoO) of electricity generated. Besides offering a low cost, 100% renewable electric energy for all-size companies, DABITRON DH2SL ® Renewable Energy Power Stations also offers the I-REC, the certificate to attest the renewable origin of the acquired electric energy.

  • Certification of Renewable fuel of non-biological origin (RFNBO)

    Renewable hydrogen is produced through the process of electrolysis, using renewable electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen and is therefore a ‘renewable fuel of non-biological origin’ (RFNBO).

  • Customer Service Operations

    The strategic and operational process for the support of our customers with value-added energy services.

  • Hydrogen Refuelling Station

    The Hydrogen Refuelling Stations or HRS is built integrated in a hydrogen production system from renewable energies, with electricity obtained from solar photovoltaic energy.


DABITRON DH2SL ® Renewable Energy Power Station

(Renewable Power-to-Hydrogen-to-Renewable Power)

DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® Infrastructure
  • Development

    Robust and fit-for-purpose site selection and feasibility studies, power plant modelling, consultation with local communities and stakeholders, preliminary signatura of option with the owner of the land (for the land acquisitions or long-term rental), all the activities of preparation of the dossier relating to the site of interest, with a clear focus on project optimization, technological innovation, compliance with local regulations, regional and national regulatory requirements to obtain the necessary permits, licenses and administrative authorizations. Therefore the development, is consider not only in the technical aspects of the single projects but, includes all the other key elements as regulatory, geo-political, economic, enviromental and financial elements as well the analysis regarding the electrical network and the connection to the grid.

  • Finance

    Creation of a dedicated Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) entity,  and financing management, equity investment, raising project debt.

  • Construction

    Selection of the local contractors, procurement, supervision of the construction works, management and plant commissioning with the final aim to provide a functioning system and safe which responds to regulations of the reference sector. Management and developed of the project is mainly performed by our business divisions in cooperation with local certified partner companies, optimize asset quality & manage risk allocation. The construction managers ensure that the progres is on schedule by monitoring on site

  • Operate

    Plant operation, maintenance and monitoring (O&MM) service that ensuring the energy efficiency, solutions low environmental impact, safety and performance of the project , a comprehensive program for the entire life-cycle of the power plant (30 + years), to ensuring that the system works optimally conditions and achieves the desired results and effectiveness.

  • Generation

    We generates income through the sale of the electricity generated by its operating assets. Sale of energy produced under long term PPA contracts.

  • Commercialization

    Commercialization of 100% Renewable Energy through Renewable PPA contract.

As an infrastructure architect of DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® (and/or DH2SL ®), DABITRON designs, planning, develops and implementing, turnkey DABITRON DH2SL® Renewable Energy Power Station technology infrastructure from green hydrogen, geared towards the non-intermittent 100% local renewable electricity continuous ge neration supply 24/7, and the production of renewable hydrogen, using the local resources in harmony with the environment and aligned with development of the communities in which we operate.
As an integrated project delivery, we are present at every stage of the project lifecycle, starting from planning, designing, implementation, operation, monitoring and contro of the technology infrastructure of of the project, passing through financing, construction, production, commercialization, use and, finally, final disposal of the project itself at the end of its lifecycle, through the creation of a local urpose Vehicle (SPV) entity for each individual project. 

Our end-to-e nd solution are a unique combination of business know-how, search, services and technology, providing a unique one-stop control over all operations of the project.

Energy Security, Independence, and Resilience.

Renewable Energy Power Stations 
Hydrogen as a renewable source offers the potential for cleaner energy production.
We are not just creating innovative energy solutions, we are shaping a cleaner, greener tomorrow for generations to come, aim to create a more efficient, sustainable and reliable energy ecosystem.

DABITRON DH2SL ® Renewable Energy Power Station projects use renewable hydrogen in power generation and to reduce the energy cost - values and opportunities to deployment of local non-intermittent 100% renewable energy generation 24/7 a Zero-carbon Emission. 

We carry out our projects responsibly, we are committed to local communities, and to protecting the environment:
Energy Storage of additional solar energy to be used at night. Microgrid Energy Efficiency Projects in Canary Islands, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Africa, Australia, South America and not only.

Hydrogen As An local Clean Energy Source.

Encourage the adoption of green hydrogen as a key player in the energy sector that contributes to building a local energy sector with net-zero emissions - Renewable Energy projects for a Better Future in harmony with the environment. 

Energy Storage of additional solar energy to be used at night. Microgrid Energy Efficiency Projects in Canary Islands, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Africa, Australia, South America and not only.

Security and safety

Energy Surety. Safe havens during power outages - DABITRON DH2SL® non-intermittent Renewable Energy Power Stations have the potential to provide public security and safety benefits in the form of improved overall electricity system resilience while also serving as safe havens during extended power outages..

Energy Storage of additional solar energy to be used at night. Microgrid Energy Efficiency Projects in Canary Islands, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Africa, Australia, South America and not only.

Reliability, Resiliency, Power Quality and Power Systems

A strong grid. Provide a long-term sustainable source of electricity, boost electricity supply system efficiency, flexibility, and reliability. Rduced power interruptions and avoided costs. Critical load reliability. Voltage support. Loss reductions (transmission and distribution).

Energy Storage of additional solar energy to be used at night. Microgrid Energy Efficiency Projects in Canary Islands, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Africa, Australia, South America and not only.

Saving in electricity cost

Save on operating costs (eg. for an industrial plant or mining operation thereby increasing the company’s profitability).

Energy Storage of additional solar energy to be used at night. Microgrid Energy Efficiency Projects in Canary Islands, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Africa, Australia, South America and not only.

Economic Value & Economic deveopment.

We promote local employment. Encourage the sustainable development of local productive sectors and the growth of new jobs. Creating jobs for the local community.

Energy Storage of additional solar energy to be used at night. Microgrid Energy Efficiency Projects in Canary Islands, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Africa, Australia, South America and not only.


Renewable integration. Cut fuel consumption, reduced overall energy costs, emissions reductions, and improve environmental credentials. The ‘zero-mile’ local energy production avoids energy waste through losses during distribution.

(Renewable Power-to-Hydrogen-to-Renewable Power)

DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® - Renewable Energy Power Stations - Benefits
The DABITRON DH2SL ® Renewable Energy Power Stations - Green Hydrogen projects, offers several benefits for energy serctor, companies, a local Sustainable Development and the environment. 

True Zero-Carbon Hydrogen Production - DABITRON produces renewable hydrogen on-site and at scale via electrolysis (splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen) powered by dedicated additional off-grid renewable electricity.

The production of renewable hydrogen creates zero carbon and zero methane emissions – delivering one truly reliable clean energy source at a scale that allows customers to replace fossil  fuels. Therefore, not only DABITRON produces 100% renewable electric energy and preserves the environment, but also creates a local Sustainable Development in a process in line with the circular economy.

DABITRON offering a low cost, 100% non-Intermittent renewable electric energy for all-size companies, DABITRON also offers the I-REC, the certificate to attest the renewable origin of the acquired electric energy. These projects will benefit from renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), ensuring the certification of hydrogen as RFNBO (Renewable Non-Biological Fuels of Origin).

Renewables non-intermittent energy

Green Hydrogen is an energy carrier, and can deliver or store a tremendous amount of energy. 100% renewable, clean, stable and continuous electricity supply, 24 hours a day a low cost.

Circular economy

Energy, environment, and resources - pathways to the green hydrogen development by promoting circular economy. Producing green hydrogen by electrolysis from renewable sources allows generation of energy without emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Zero emission

No emissions in generation and application. Zero emissions and zero contamination of water and soil.

Carbon credit and

Generated during the renewable hydrogen production process

DABITRON DH2SL ® Renewable Energy Power Stations - Key Benefits:


    We ensures long term 100% renewable energy supply at a fixed and competitive price for more 20 years. This protection shields customers from sudden spikes in energy prices, reducing exposure to market risks.


    Use of local natural and renewable resources. 


    Firm non-intermittent power renewable production and supply. Grid infrastructure protected of penetration from intermittency of the renewables.  


    Large-scale production and supply of 100%  renewable, stable, continuous and competitive electricity, 24 hours a day, a low cost, without polluting emissions.


    Can provide a reliable source of electricity in areas with frequent power outages or unreliable grid infrastructure. With its own generation capacity and energy storage, can ensure that critical loads are always powered.  


    Provide 100% Indipendent clean energy: production based a closed loop system which uses the local renewable resources by allowing to generate and store your own power. This can be particularly useful in remote or off-grid locations where access to grid power may be limited or non-existent.


    Producing renewable electricity with ZERO emissions per kWh & optimized energy mix. No emissions in generation and application.


    Our projects are based on our commitment with local communities and our contribution to responsible creation and development of new industries that contribute to promote local Sustainable Development in harmony with the environment.

A zero-carbon energy solution that is available, scalable, and resilient.

Our Tecnical Solutions

DABITRON combines solar energy, hydrogen, storage hydrogen and battery energy storage system (BESS) tech to stabilise local electrical grid. By combining innovative technical solutions that will help ramp-up renewables by offering storage and stabilization technology in one connection.The result? An even more resilient system that operates more efficiently, and has a Zero carbon Emissions.

Solar PV Energy  

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Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)   

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Green Hydrogen (H2) Power 

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Green Hydrogen (H2) Storage Solution   

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Electrical Infrastructures 

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DABITRON DH2SL ®  Renewable Energy Power Plant

(Renewable Power-to-Hydrogen-to-Renewable Power)

Renewable Non-intermittent Energy Supply 24/7 for Local Needs

(Renewable Power-to-Hydrogen-to-Renewable Power)

More than 1 GW of DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® Renewable Energy Power Stations projects under development in Spain and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).  Non-Intermittent 100% renewable electricity supply 24/7 a low cost.

Innovation, is in DNA of DABITRON activity. 
Our clientele includes local electrical utilities, industries and energy community. We offer customised solutions for ...

Power for Electric Grids - Non-Intermittent 100% renewable electricity, a continuous generation supply 24/7 of zero-emission

DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® Non-Intermittent multi-megawatt turnkey Renewable Energy Power Stations (Renewable Power-to-H2-to-Renewable Power) can help utilities transition to net zero while strengthening grid reliability. 

Our systems add 100% clean power while enhancing grid resiliency. A DABITRON energy model that is designes to generate Non-Intermittent 100% renewable electricity generation 24/7, zero-emission baseload on demand power.

Solutions for a reliable electricity supply with overarching control systems that maximize energy yield and ensure the safe and optimum integration of renewable energy sources into the grid, to serve the various demands of their local grid or service territory, whether that’s baseload power, cyclic generation, or peaking power.

As utilities adjust to more intermittent power generation from wind and solar, innovative solutions will be required to improve the effectiveness of renewables. Our DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® Non-Intermittent Renewable Energy Power Station's, both current and in development, help solve this problem by providing clean power to compensate for undersupply and store power during oversupply using hydrogen. 

Our proposal for Sustainable Energy for Africa includes the build the DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® non-intermittent multi-megawatt turnkey Renewable Energy Power Stations (large-scale projects) that increase the amount of local electrification with a on site clean, renewable energy. Adopting our solution creates jobs and can provide a pathway for training of special staff, a clean environment, reducing CO2 emissions and the water use, but at the same time significantly reduces energy costs, creating a local Rural Development.

Power your Business with a 100% Renewable Energy, a continuous generation supply 24/7 of zero-emission

We provide non-Intermittent multi-megawatt turnkey renewable energy power stations - DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ®  (Renewable Power-to-H2-to-Renewable Power)  solution, to power mines in a locations which are often isolated from the national electricity grids and in interconnected areas where the grid is poor, that save diesel costs, reduce energy expenses significantly, for reach energy independence goals in order to better manage their own energy costs and also reduce their carbon footprint in the mining industry, in Sub-Saharan Africa and not only.

Power your Business with a 100% Renewable Energy, a continuous generation supply 24/7 of zero-emission

Our DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® Non-Intermittent renewable energy power plant for industrial applications solutions ensure turnkey projects with highest possible renewable energy penetration into existing or isolated grids, providing a renewable, reliable and economic energy, reducing electricity costs, CO2 emissions as well as dependency on fossil fuel supplies, to improve the competitiveness and to grow in a more economical and environmentally sustainable way, ensuring reliable, stable and affordable power availability, wherever and whenever it is required.

DABITRON promotes the creation of decentralized local energy microgrid, technology and energy communities projects, that have the task of producing and di stributing local renewable energy according to the needs of the community itself. 

Our local decentralized energy solutions, DABITRON H2 SYSTEM LOOP ® Non-Intermittent renewable energy powetr plant projects for technology and Energy Communities, ensure "Turnkey Energy Efficiency" projects, optimise demand management with highest possible renewable energy penetration into existing or isolated grids, providing a 100% renewable electricity non-intermittently, reliable and economic energy, reducing electricity costs, CO2 emissions as well as dependency on fossil fuel supplies, to improve the competitiveness and to grow in a more economical and environmentally sustainable way, ensuring reliable, stable and affordable power availability, wherever and whenever it is required.

DABITRON DH2SL ® Green Hydrogen Power Plants (Non-Intermittent 100% renewable electricity supply 24/7) are the ideal solutions to changing energy markets.

Meet your renewable electricity needs and decarbonization goals with a single Renewables Power Purchase Agreement. Benefit from a reliable, clean energy supply 24/7 and long-term price certainty at a fixed and competitive costs.

Project request

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