Meet your renewable electricity needs and decarbonization goals with a single Renewables Power Purchase Agreement. Benefit from a reliable, clean energy supply 24/7 and long-term price certainty at a fixed and competitive costs.

Produces greener energy with hybrid energy power plants.
innovative HYBRID
Renewable Energy Projects
The Hybrid Intermittent Renewable Energy Generation - the hybridization is the only commercially viable way to maximize RES penetration, while ensuring security of supply.

In the renewable energy sector, one of the biggest challenges faced by producers is curtailment (also known as constrained-off or production restriction in power generation facilities). Curtailment can lead to significant revenue losses and efficiency issues, but with the right solutions, these impacts can be minimized.
Mitigating renewable energy curtailment requires a multifaceted approach, which includes hybrid energy solutions which have immense potential for providing a continuous and uninterrupted energy supply. By enhancing reliability, optimizing resource utilization, improving grid resilience, and reducing carbon footprint, these systems are key to achieving sustainable development and energy security.
DABITRON hybrid systems are a feasible and economically viable solution that considers environmental aspects while combining state-of-the-art-technologies.
The hybridization supports reliable and cost-effective power generation, as:
These systems are crucial for managing energy supply in environments with intensive energy use, providing backup power, and stabilizing the grid, thereby preventing disruptions and enhancing operational continuity.
The hybrid concepts are useful in many isolated power systems and rural areas of emerging markets.
For island applications and remote areas, hybridization is necessary to provide stable, safe and affordable power generation. Furthermore, hybridization does not only influence the cost structure; it also supports decarbonization of the energy sector and a local Sustainable Development.
The future of renewable energy is hybrid solutions.
DABITRON’s innovative hybrid energy solutions support and accelerate this transition towards a clean energy future and improve grid-stability. They combine energy storage and a flexible engine power plants that integrated the 100% renewable assets, providing considerable potential for fuel and cost savings – especially in remote areas as well as island and isolated grids.
The value of the energy produced by a hybrid power plant can be enhanced with Smart Energy Management, which uses data-driven intelligence to monitor, control and optimise energy production at both site and portfolio levels.
We develop, build and manage the operation of innovative Hybrid Power Stations: a typical hybrid power plant combines electricity generation with battery storage.
We develop, build and manage the operation of Hybrid PV farms with synchronous compensator (SC) or static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) that combin:
We develop, build and manage the operation of Hybrid PV + BESS system with synchronous compensator (SC) or static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) that combin synchronous electricity generation from renewable sources and storage technologies:
→ Our types of battery storage systems.
our Battery Energy Storage Business Model
Battery storage systems can store electricity from renewable energy plants and feed it back into the grid when needed. In this way, battery storage systems contribute to a stable and sustainable energy supply.
DABITRON offers design, development, management and operation services for flexible storage energy infrastructure:
The co-location and hybrid approaches offer distinct business models and operational strategies for combining renewables with batteries.
Co-location treats the PV and battery systems as separate economic entities, focusing on independent profitability and shared grid infrastructure benefits. Conversely, the hybrid model integrates the renewable generator and battery system into a single economic unit, aiming for holistic optimization and enhanced internal rate of return of the whole asset through combined operations.
The choice between these models depends on specific project goals, regulatory environments, and market conditions.
Co-locating solar farms with BESS holds immense promise in shaping the future energy landscape, offering a path to a cleaner and more resilient energy ecosystem.
Co-location can offer flexibility and immediate benefits in grid connection, while hybrids provide deeper integration and potential long-term economic advantages through shared investment and operational synergies.
We develop co-location of battery energy storage (AC/DC coupling) projects that use in different industries and application areas. For example:
Our core market for the development of BESS is Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. In doing so, we consider both stand-alone and hybrid or site-integrated systems in combination with photovoltaic parks (co-location).
Our focus on battery storage:
We carry out our renewable projects responsibly and with zero environmental impact, we are committed to local communities, and to protecting the environment:
The sun's power as a source of clean energy. Solar photovoltaic (PV) technology is a cornerstone of the global effort to transition towards cleaner and more sustainable energy systems.
Solar Photovoltaics are best known as a method for generating electric power by using solar cells to convert energy from the sun into a flow of electrons by the photovoltaic effect.
Integrating photovoltaic (PV) solar systems into multi-technology energy projects has never been stronger. The prices are falling, energy efficiency is improving, and energy storage is increasingly effective and with low environmental impact.
Solar power is proven to be the cheapest form of new electricity generation available and without subsidies, this helps to reduce power prices.
As well as generating clean, renewable energy, solar farms can enrich local biodiversity. continue the use of agriculture and restore soil conditions.
A solar farm comprises a series of solar panels on pole mounted tables that form solar arrays. Additional equipment such as transformers, inverters, fencing, and a small substation, etc. would also be installed in order to connect the solar farm into the local electricity grid.
Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, which is then exported directly into the electricity network. In order to maximise electricity production, the panels will be arranged in a southerly direction, and will be tilted at an angle to maximise the energy collected from sunlight.
No - solar is a passive technology which doesn’t produce any harmful by-products. All electrical equipment we use meets the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive and is CE marked.
Solar power solutions:
What we do:
Energy curtailmentis an order by the responsible market operator for both large-scale photovoltaic and wind power plants as well as self-consumption installations to stop producing energy for a specific period of time. It occurs mainly for grid capacity or economic reasons, and in both cases, it is caused by a mismatch between supply and demand, i.e. times when electricity production significantly exceeds consumption.
To mitigate curtailment, we recommend using a Base Energy Storage System (BESS) which is one of the best alternatives to flatten the duck curve. Storage systems allow energy to be stored during times of low demand to be released when demand and prices are higher, helping to flatten the duck curve and reduce the need for curtailment. Given that solar photovoltaic energy will continue to grow in the global energy market in the coming years, curtailment will continue to be one of the biggest challenges for electricity producers. For this reason, the incorporation of energy storage systems becomes indispensable as a solution, both for electricity producers and to mitigate the volatility of energy markets.
Batteries help balancing the grid.
BESS projects are a critical part of the energy mix going forward to provide security and stability in the energy network as more renewables replace traditional fossil fuelled power plants.
The combination of environmentally friendly solar power and a large storage system transforms solar power plants into round-the-clock power plants – driven by free energy from the sun, delivering dependable power at utility scale. Storage of additional solar energy to be used at night.
DABITRON implement custom storage solutions for Utilities to enhance renewable penetration or relieve grid stress from peak loads. Energy storage is being deployed to serve a diverse range of energy needs.
DABITRON works actively to implement battery storage in our renewable energy projects. Our battery storage projects are primarily co-located, meaning a regular renewable energy park is combined with batteries on the same plot, sharing the same grid connection.
Battery Energy Storage Systems, or BESS, are rechargeable batteries that can store excess energy from renewable sources and discharge it when needed. BESS consist of one or more batteries and can be used to balance the electric grid, provide backup power and improve grid stability.
BESS typically consists of one or more batteries that use kinetic energy to store and release electricity as needed.
There are many different types of BESS available, including lithium-ion batteries, lead-acid batteries, flow batteries, and flywheels.
There are several advantages to using BESS, including:
DABITRON is involved in energy storage projects in Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Battery energy storage solutions:
What we do:
The bulk transfer of electrical energy—from generation of power plants to electrical substations to end users—requires an impeccable strategy and know-how.
Our services including comprehensive concepts of design work, architectural construction, ele ctrical technological installation, and commissioning activity, for low, medium and high-voltage substation technology such as switchboards, transformers, station control technology, cable installation and engineering for designing turnkey ready-systems, testing and commissioning of customized solutions, in line with customer requests and compliant with the installation and connection regulations of the country where it will be installed.
Our services spans network studies, primary design, protection design, automation and control system design, primary and secondary plant design, earthing design, lighting and insulation coordination, full secondary design, engineering design coordination and project management, environmental impact assessments (EIAs), transport analysis, planning of electrical networks, architectural design services and fire engineering, performance of works of substation construction, architectural construction and commissioning of the electrical equipment of power plants.
What we do:
What we do:
What we do:
Local Green Hydrogen storage and utilisation.
What we do:
Solar photovoltaics (PV) installation require a lot of land space and can sometimes compete for land that would otherwise be used for other purposes.
Agrivoltaic systems consist of the combination of energy production through photovoltaic systems and agricultural production, such as crop or livestock production or pollinator habitats, underneath solar panels or adjacent to solar panels (in the same area), are a promising solution to the constraints linked to the reduction of cultivated areas due to solar panels used in agricultural production systems.
Placing agriculture at the heart of the energy transition, DABITRON is pursuing the objective of associating the world of energy and agriculture through its strategy and projects, to find new solutions to current and future challenges.
DABITRON integrates the combination of energy with agriculture in all its Hybrid renwable energy projects, planning projects of this type both in Europe and in Africa.
The company develops models of operating collaboration between agricultural, photovoltaic (PV) and hydrogen (H2) production, by combining the uses of the same land, and jointly builds these models with the various players in the local agricultural sector. Most DABITRON solar photovoltaic (PV) systems proposed are installed on land used only for solar (or renewable) energy production.
DABITRON offers two models innovative production systems (Agri-PV and PV-Agri) combining energy production with agriculture production. Installation of two agrivoltaic concept that combining solar panels and agriculture into a win-win result. They also allow the optimization of land use and the reduction of conflicts over access to land, in order to satisfy the growing demand for agricultural products and energy. These innovations concern PV systems equipped with tools and monitoring services to optimise electrica and agricultural production.
Agri-Photovoltaics (Agri-PV) installations consist of systems that allow main agricultural production to be coupled with secondary PV production.
Photovoltaics-Agri (PV-Agri) installations consist of systems that allow main PV production to be coupled with secondary agricultural production.
What we do:
DABITRON has sustainability at the core of our mission values. We respect and encourage biodiversity. We believe that we can prioritise clean energy whilst safeguarding and increasing local biodiversity. We integrate biodiversity assessment in our projects and apply the mitigation hierarchy principle. Biodiversity is important across a spectrum of areas including cultural, ecological, recreational, economic and scientific fields. Our ultimate objective is to preserve and improve local natural environment. Each of our sites have ecological appraisals that evaluate habitat baselines, then, with unique consideration, we assess how we can achieve biodiversity gains.
Minimal removal of vegetation is a high priority for us. We understand that preserving the natural landscape is important for local communities as well as for biodiversity. It is inevitable that sometimes vegetation needs to be removed. This is offset on another part of the Site, either through screening or biodiversity enhancement areas.
We make sure to only use native seed mixes for any of our wildflower meadows and tree planting. This facilitates pollination by native birds, insects, bats and butterflies.
We do this through a range of features, from wildlife corridors and the addition of mammal gates, to stepping stone habitats, joining features of value within the site and with the wider landscape.
The addition of bird boxes and hibernacula piles areas that can often act as stepping stone habitats as well as permanent homes for fauna.
The inclusion of natural screening provides an opportunity for additional plantings, increasing biodiversity net gain of many of our sites.
DABITRON develop high-quality utility-scale of effective integration of Hybrid renewable energy power plant that combine multiple power generation sources, such as solar (PV) with energy storage (BESS), which can operate with synchronous compensator (SC) or static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) for regulate active and reactive power, with the objective of improving the grid power transmission capacity, to benefit local communities, reduce emissions and deliver returns for investors and/or investment founds. Our solutions are for on- and off-grid.
DABITRON developes and provide innovative renewable energy power plants systems (on-grid/ off-grid), solutions for energy supply (for large clean energy buyers) at cost competitive and high quality tailored services for power and utilities sector, industrial and zommercial applications.
Our hybrid power solutions combine renewable energy sources, synchronous electricity generation and storage technologies in a hybrid power plant.
DABITRON promote the development and management of comprehensive and integrated hybrid projects of any scale for every need, grid-connected or off-grid (stand-alone) - tailored Hybrid Renewable Power Plant projects (on large or small scale), installed on the ground (on the not unused lands), environmentally responsible that provides cost-effective and sustainable power generated from the sun around the clock.
The developer sells the Hybrid Power Plant project to another company once the contract with the customer is signed and construction is set to commence.
For a landowner, this is an important point. The lease agreement you sign for land is between you and the developer. If the developer sells the project to another company to own and operate the Hybrid Power Plant project, the lease agreement will transfer to the project owner.
Modern hybrid systems combine solar and battery storage in one and are now available in many different forms and configurations.
Due to the decreasing cost of battery storage, systems that are already connected to the electricity grid can start taking advantage of battery storage as well. This means being ab le to store solar energy that is generated during the day and using it at night.
When the stored energy is depleted, the grid is there as a back up, allowing consumers to have the best of both worlds.
Hybrid systems are also able to charge the batteries using cheap off-peak electricity (usually after midnight to 6am).
We offer ourselves as the developer of turnkey Hybrid Renewable Energy Power Plant projects, providing electric power to 100% renewable energy, with provide the highest ROI over the projects lifecycle.
DABITRON: a solid partner for your investment.
DABITRON as co-developer and hybrid renewable power plants projects integrator, in order to transfer the investment vehicle to the investor (customer), focuses on large sites and creates functional high-power plants.
The company's clients are normally of affluent international standing with diversified development portfolios in various parts of the world.
DABITRON is responsible for managing all stages of development for Hybrid power plants projects (Solar + BESS + STATCOM/SC) proposed.
Land scouting
We carry out a preliminary constraint analysis and a strong due diligence.
Preliminary agreement
We proceed with negotiation and closing of preliminary land agreement (with the ownership of the land) and the services contract (with DABITRON).
Connection requests
We take care of the energy connection requests.
Engineering & submitting
We carry out preliminary and executive engineering necessary to obtain the final authorization.
Authorization procedure
We take care of the whole authorization procedure.
In the field of HYBRID Power Plant projects development we will deal with:
analysis of site conformation and slopes, radiation intensity, shades áreas, constraint análisis restrictions, possibility of connection to the electricity grid in the cabin and connection costs, layout drawing, preliminary signatura of option with the owner of the land (for the land acquisitions or long-term rental), preliminary study of the environmental impact of the sitea, final geological and other environmental studies of the sitea, and of all the activities of preparation of the dossier relating to the site of interest.
all the steps from the start of the connection request process to the network, up the scheduled time based on national and regional procedures, to the authorization, in collaboration with our engineering partner companies.
DABITRON can provide the inversor with an excellent EPC service with advanced technology and competitive Price for the construction of the hybrid power plant (solar & BESS) to deliver a turnkey power park.
DABITRON provides turnkey services catered to all phases of each energy project´s life cycle:
We organise and lead all the construction phases with a pragmatic and decisive approach that is aligned with the client’s objectives and expectations.
In this phase, the DABITRON team, composed of internal and external specialists in solar projects, battery energy storage solutions, synchronous electricity generation from renewable sources and electrical Infrastructures, works in a coordinated manner to achieve the customer's objectives, offering services such as:
1 | We looking for land suitable for the development of photovoltaic systems (scouting). | Request for connection to the medium or high voltage electricity grid. |
2 | Let's first analyze the area. | We manage and take care of relations with local Local electricity utilities |
3 | We take care of agreements with landowners (sales options or preliminary contracts for the establishment of surface rights). | We draw up all the documentation necessary to carry out the environmental screening and to request the Environmental Impact Assessment. |
4 | We draw up an in-depth pre-feasibility study to be submitted to potential investors with whom to co-develop the project. | We start and manage the authorization process with the competent authorities. |
Unwavering Environmental Stewardship
Smart energy solutions for a descarbonized future. Renewable Hydrogen project development.
(Best Technical Solutions Available)
Non-Intermittent 100% renewable electricity supply 24/7 a low cost.
100% Renewable Energy
(Best Technical Solutions Available)
If you own land that might be suitable for solar or hydrogen projects, please feel free to contact us.
Renewable Hybrid Power Plant Solutions are the ideal response to changing energy markets.
Meet your renewable electricity needs and decarbonization goals with a single Renewables Power Purchase Agreement. Benefit from a reliable, clean energy supply 24/7 and long-term price certainty at a fixed and competitive costs.
Project request
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"Renewable Energy – the green power solution for Building a Sustainable Future"
DABITRON is a company in energy market operations. We harness the earth’s most abundant resources – the heat of the sun, the purity of the water and humidity in the air – to power a sustainable future with local 100% renewable energy with zero environmental impact. Combining utility-scale solar, storage, hybrid energy, and grid solutions as well as entire hydrogen value chain and tailored services, DABITRON planning, develops, constructs, operates 100% Renewable Power Plants projects and markets (PPA) the renewable energy produced.